Four Ways to Enhance Your AM Routine
Prayer and Devotional
Journaling, Affirmations and Visualizations
Reading/ Personal Development
Prep to get your Body Moving
Sis, your morning routine can make or break your day. Starting your days with a routine can set you up for much success instead of jumping out of bed and heading straight to work without making time for yourself.
I have started devoting an extra hour in the morning to myself by adding these four things and my days have truly improved. When I tell you, I feel the difference when I don’t complete my routine it’s sooo very obvious! Keep reading for the things I have added to my morning and feel free to make them your own. My alarm rings at 6am for my day to start and first things first…...
1. Prayer and Devotional
As soon as my eyes open, I make sure to pray prayers of thanksgiving and open my Bible app to read the scripture of the day and complete my bible plans/devotionals. The prayers and devotionals really ground me and allows me to start my day with the Lord.
2. Journaling, Affirmations, and Visualizations
If you know me then you know I love writing. Journaling allows me to brain dump all my thoughts onto paper. I write prayers, write about my devotional, or whatever is happening in my life at the time. I end each journaling session with affirmations and visualizations!
3. Reading/Personal Development
Reading a chapter from a book helps me to actually read. Lol If I don’t make a set time to read it’ll never get done. So whatever book you’re currently reading knock a chapter out each morning. You can also substitute a book with a podcast or audiobook.
4. Prepare to Get Your Body Moving
Lastly, I prepare for my workout. I drink sea moss and pre-workout, set up my workout area, put on my clothes and stretch. The next hour is spent working out and getting my body moving before starting my day. I prefer working out in the morning and getting it over with instead of dreading it for the rest of the day! After workout, its shower and skincare and the rest of the day is simply a breeze.
I take an hour to complete this morning routine before workout and break each activity into 15- minute increments. I am currently taking the course Mom2Mogul where Jasmine Chanelle suggested implementing an hour morning routine and breaking it into these 15-minute increments and it has truly been a God send to my discipline and productivity. Let me know what you decide to add to your AM routine!